Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Breeding is done in the warmer month with introducing males to females in the spring.
after there cooling period of 2 to 3 months this cooling period is called Brumation.
Food should be offered more often when breeding and more calcium for the females to ensure healthy eggs.
When ready to breed the male will start to show some bright colours with there chest going blood red and head bob , waving of arms and chasing the female around the enclosure then biting her on the back of her neck in an aggressive manner this is not fighting so don't separate them.Male will combat will other male during this time and can be to the death
A good deep sand box should be add to the enclosure for her to lay her eggs in,
when the gravid female is about to lay she will start to dig in various areas so you will need to keep an eye on her, once laid remove the eggs to a container and place in the incubator.

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